U.S. Dentist Office Database
.CSV File – Instant Download
Unique Identifier
Business Name
Business Primary Category
Business Sub Category
Business Phone Number
Physical Address
Physical Address City
Physical Address State / Province
Physical Address Postal Code
Zip +4 for US Physical Addresses
Physical Address Country
Physical Address County
Physical Address Area Code
Federal Info. Processing Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
Location Time Zone
Daylight Savings Time (Yes, No, Unknown)
Latitude (Centroid Based)
Latitude (Precision Polygon Based)
Longitude (Centroid Based)
Longitude (Precision Polygon Based) Website URL
85 Alaska
541 Alabama
354 Arkansas
682 Arizona
2,677 California
784 Colorado
393 Connecticut
30 District Of Columbia
85 Delaware
1,925 Florida
899 Georgia
146 Hawaii
479 Iowa
236 Idaho
1,154 Illinois
667 Indiana
495 Kansas
549 Kentucky
452 Louisiana
611 Massachusetts
590 Maryland
223 Maine
980 Michigan
594 Minnesota
746 Missouri
340 Mississippi
257 Montana
933 North Carolina
91 North Dakota
332 Nebraska
246 New Hampshire
686 New Jersey
171 New Mexico
222 Nevada
1,221 New York
1,101 Ohio
452 Oklahoma
464 Oregon
1,082 Pennsylvania
76 Rhode Island
368 South Carolina
100 South Dakota
576 Tennessee
2,271 Texas
193 Utah
773 Virginia
95 Vermont
712 Washington
608 Wisconsin
157 West Virginia
72 Wyoming
Below is a list of samples directly from the database.