U.S. New Car Dealership Database
Our database of new car dealers contains name and address information on used auto dealers throughout the United States. You can sort the data by city, state, business name, and over a dozen other categories.
.CSV File – Instant Download
Unique Identifier
Business Name
Business Primary Category
Business Sub Category
Physical Address
Physical Address City
Physical Address State
Physical Address Postal Code
Physical Address Country
Physical Address County
Physical Address Area Code
Federal Information Processing Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
Location Time Zone
Daylight Savings Time (Yes, No, Unknown)Latitude (Centroid Based)
Latitude (Precision Polygon Based)
Longitude (Centroid Based)
Longitude (Precision Polygon Based)
Business Phone Number
Website URL
Website Meta Title
Website Meta Description
Website Meta Keywords
1114 Alabama
101 Alaska
918 Arizona
1094 Arkansas
2377 California
836 Colorado
755 Connecticut
153 Delaware
83 District Of Columbia
1570 Florida
1301 Georgia
126 Hawaii
413 Idaho
1643 Illinois
1244 Indiana
793 Iowa
774 Kansas
1029 Kentucky
898 Louisiana
276 Maine
835 Maryland
965 Massachusetts
1295 Michigan
1016 Minnesota
634 Mississippi
1262 Missouri
279 Montana
509 Nebraska
398 Nevada
319 New Hampshire
1153 New Jersey
436 New Mexico
1555 New York
1418 North Carolina
201 North Dakota
1469 Ohio
952 Oklahoma
705 Oregon
1618 Pennsylvania
144 Rhode Island
880 South Carolina
248 South Dakota
1264 Tennessee
2115 Texas
411 Utah
157 Vermont
1057 Virginia
1052 Washington
341 West Virginia
1145 Wisconsin
155 Wyoming
Below is a list of samples directly from the database.