U.S. Used Car Dealership Database
Our database of used car dealers contains name and address information on used auto dealers throughout the United States. You can sort the data by city, state, business name, and over a dozen other categories.
.CSV File – Instant Download
Unique Identifier
Business Name
Business Primary Category
Business Sub Category
Physical Address
Physical Address City
Physical Address State
Physical Address Postal Code
Physical Address Country
Physical Address County
Physical Address Area Code
Federal Information Processing Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
Location Time Zone
Daylight Savings Time (Yes, No, Unknown)Latitude (Centroid Based)
Latitude (Precision Polygon Based)
Longitude (Centroid Based)
Longitude (Precision Polygon Based)
Business Phone Number
Website URL
Website Meta Title
Website Meta Description
Website Meta Keywords
2081 Alabama
110 Alaska
984 Arizona
2162 Arkansas
3803 California
1076 Colorado
969 Connecticut
291 Delaware
73 District Of Columbia
3149 Florida
2510 Georgia
71 Hawaii
510 Idaho
2463 Illinois
2186 Indiana
1463 Iowa
1322 Kansas
1912 Kentucky
1678 Louisiana
556 Maine
1154 Maryland
1802 Massachusetts
2138 Michigan
1391 Minnesota
1175 Mississippi
2028 Missouri
338 Montana
947 Nebraska
417 Nevada
493 New Hampshire
1730 New Jersey
553 New Mexico
2723 New York
2871 North Carolina
260 North Dakota
2796 Ohio
1908 Oklahoma
658 Oregon
3433 Pennsylvania
336 Rhode Island
1830 South Carolina
407 South Dakota
2390 Tennessee
4340 Texas
615 Utah
240 Vermont
2050 Virginia
1504 Washington
580 West Virginia
1226 Wisconsin
225 Wyoming
Below is a list of samples directly from the database.